What is the Brighton Light Trust?

Holland Road Baptist Church

The Brighton Light Trust is the charitable trust behind the Brighton & Hove CAP Debt Centre run in partnership with Holland Road Baptist Church in Hove.

What is CAP?

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a national debt counselling charity that offers a face-to-face, comprehensive solution to those struggling under the burden of debt.

Through their unique combination of budgeting advice, creditor liaison, provision of a CAP Account and personal support, CAP empowers people to work themselves out of debt and transform their finances.  CAP also offers guidance on helping you to manage your finances more effectively.

Who can the Brighton and Hove CAP Centre help?

We can help anybody who is either currently in debt or simply would like some help in learning to manage their finances. We aim to ensure that nobody receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, nationality, religion, age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation or disability. And remember, this service is completely free.

For more information about CAP Debt Help or CAP Money courses please click on the relevant link.